BRIDGE. How long is the pathway between Overactive Bladder and Pelvic Organ Prolapse?
The new international urological project BRIDGE and its new episode on the topic “How long is the pathway between Overactive Bladder and Pelvic Organ Prolapse?” will take place on July 10 at 12:00 Moscow time and will be held with the participation of foreign speakers.
World Time:
- Moscow, Russia 12.00
- Rome, Italy 11.00
Overactive Bladder Syndrome: what challenge does it represent today in urogynecology?
Update of diagnosis and treatment of Overactive Bladder Syndrome
Pelvic Organ Prolapse: what do you need to know in the preoperative setting?
Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery without using mesh
Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery with the use of mesh

Ekaterina Korshunova

neurourologist, MD, PhD, Research Center of Neurology, Central Medical Academy Administration of the President of Russian Federation, A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Moscow, Russia

Marilena Gubbiotti

MD Urologist, ICS member, Montevarchi Hospital, Pelvic Unit, Arezzo, AUSL Toscana Sud-Est, Italy

Emanuele Rubilotta

urologist, A.O.U.I. of Verona, Dept of Urology, Italy

Matteo Balzarro

urologist, A.O.U.I. of Verona, Dept of Urology, Italy

Stefano Rosadi

urologist, San Donato Hospital, Pelvic Unit, Arezzo

Anastasia Polikarpova

urologist, SM-Clinic, Moscow, Russia