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BRIDGE. Trends of surgical andrology


The international urological project BRIDGE and its fourth episode on the topic “Trends of surgical andrology” will take place on August 7 at 12:00 Moscow time and will be held with the participation of foreign speakers.

We remind you that the broadcast on Uro.TV will be in English with simultaneous translation, on Russian Urology Today - only in English.


Pier Andrea Della Camera
Chief of Urology and Andrology Leonardo da Vinci (Florence, Italy)
Vladimir Kojovic
Assoc. Professor of surgery and urology, University of Belgrade, Serbia Andromedic Academy Belgrade (Belgrade, Serbia)
Gautam Banga
Reconstructive urologist and Andrologist (Delhi, India)
Pavel Kyzlasov
prof. of Depatment of urology and andrology UICU, Head of Urology and Andrology Center - State Research Center - A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia.


Azimdjon N. Tursunkulov
PhD, Endourologist, AkfaMedline Hospital
Tags: Deputy, Deputy, Deputy