Bridge. Urolithiasis - information from around the world
The international urological project BRIDGE and its sixth episode on the topic “Urolithiasis - information from around the world” will take place on November 6 at 16:00 Moscow time and will be held with the participation of foreign speakers.
We remind you that the broadcast on Uro.TV and Russian Urology Today will be only in English.

Dr. Evangelos N. Liatsikos

MD, PhD Professor of Urology, Chairman of Urology Department University Hospital of Patras, Greece.

Dr.Chandra Mohan Vaddi

Head of the Department Urology & Managing Director, Preeti Urology & Kidney Hospitals, India

Arthur D. Smith MD

Professor of Urology, Founder and past president of Endourology Society, Chairman Emeritus of Smith Institute for Urology (USA)

Nariman Gadzhiev, MD, PhD

Chief of the Urology Service
of Saint-Petersburg State University Hospital Member of ESUT and EULIS - Russia.

Azimdjon N. Tursunkulov

PhD, Endourologist, AkfaMedline Hospital