BRIDGE. International Urology Project. Nightmare in Neurourology
Dear colleagues!
We invite you to take part in the international urological project BRIDGE and its next episode on the topic "Nightmare in Neurourology", which will take place on January 20 at 14:00 Moscow time and will be held with the participation of foreign speakers.
Start time: 14.00 - Moscow, 12.00 - Rome, 13.00 - Cairo, 16.00 - Tashkent.
The neurologic patients: urological evaluation and what to expert.
A. Tursunkulov -
The role of urodynamics in neurogenic bladder. Botulinum therapy in Russian urology
V. Romich -
Botulinum toxin or sacral neuromodulation?
M. Gubbiotti -
What to consider about sexual dysfunction in neurologic patients?
G. Sampogna -
Neurogenic bladder & uroligical surgery
W. Mahfouz

Gianluca Sampogna

Doctor of Medicine, University of Milan, Department of Health Science, Italy

Marilena Gubbiotti

MD Urologist, ICS member, Montevarchi Hospital, Pelvic Unit, Arezzo, AUSL Toscana Sud-Est, Italy

Victoria Romikh

MD Urologist, Head of the Department of Urodynamics and Neurourology, Federal «Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology named after N.A. Lopatkina», Moscow, Russia

Wally Mahfouz

Associate Professor of Urology, Urogynecology, Female Urology & Functional Urology Unit, Alexandria University, Egypt

Azimdjon N. Tursunkulov

PhD, Endourologist, AkfaMedline Hospital